Monday, January 21, 2008

Computer Rentals

Computer rentals are an important way for organizations to meet their internal IT needs. Short term IT projects, IT training and new product testing are all important reasons to use Vernon Technology Solutions as you partner for computer rentals. We also have the ability to take a short term rental and make it a long term rental/lease. Renting a computer as opposed to buying allows an organization to procure the right equipment at the right price through an operational budget not a capital budget. This allows departments to set their own agendas for IT use.
Often people argue buying is cheaper than renting a computer. But that is only half the equation. What do you do with all the gear after the project is finished. Someone has to store it, service it and make sure it is ready for the next time. And if it is never used again, the organization has to dispose of the computers. There is an environmental cost which is often overlooked. Reuse is the best recycling opportunity and Vernon is a leader in the computer reuse business. Not only do we rent but we also offer recycling and disposal for end of life equipment, and if the equipment can be redeployed for further use, we do that too. Call Vernon Technology Solutions for all your computer and IT equipment needs.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Renting computers is the best option in any business

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